Books for Students: 10 recommendations

Written by Dany Sima, Apr 13, 2023

A good book is the perfect add-on for your student life. Maybe you want to relax with a good book in a café, or you learn more about academic writing, or you get tips and tricks for your life at university or you just want some entertainment and inspiration. As a bookworm, you are always on the lookout for new and good books for students? Or you want to know which books are the absolute must-reads among student books? Here are our Morawa book recommendations: books students must read.

For an easier life at university

Continuously assessed courses, ECTS, lectures, seminars, canteen, etc. Especially for first-year students, the transition from life at school to university can be overwhelming. These guidebooks will explain everything you need to know and offer helpful tips for a successful student life.

College hacks

Author: Keith Bradford

Price: €12.90

You want to know how you can save money, find your dream job, train your memory or get rid of a hangover? And everything else that comes with being a student? Then this book full of college hacks is perfect for you because it covers every event and has a tip for every little problem. Maybe you even discover a tiny problem where you didn’t even know that there’s a simple solution to it. Keith Bradford has an answer to everything.

Get the book here!

Endlich Studium! Das Handbuch für die beste Zeit deines Lebens (How to Study)

Author: Rieke Kersting

Price: €5.99 (German)

If you would like to improve your German, this one is a good one when it comes to studies. Whether it’s your first week at university or you’re already deep into your studies, this book with a lot of advice is a must-have for every student. This little handbook accompanies you with practical tips and hacks from a good start into the semester to the challenges of student life to your daily chores!

Get the book here!

You prefer an English book? Here is an alternative in your preferred language:
Cowan Race’s “How to Study” (€49.99) has lots of practical tips in English for you.

Must-Reads: classics

Some inspiring books are waiting to be read! These books are perfect for a relaxed afternoon in your favourite coffeehouse, for winding down and taking a break from studying. Here come our student must-reads: Have fun with these new and interesting thoughts and ideas!

A Brief History of Time

Author: Stephen Hawking

Price: €16.90

One of the biggest thinkers of our time explains impressive phenomena of our universe in this book. Do you want to know how our universe was created? This book explains it and you don’t even have to be an astrophysicist. Stephen Hawking gives you a simple and illustrative explanation of these complex subjects. After reading this book, it won’t be a mystery to you if we will ever be able to time travel and how time works.

Get the book here!

STUWO tip: If you want to get short answers to the big questions of mankind, then you should also order “Brief Answers to the Big Questions” by Stephen Hawking (€15). In this book, Stephen Hawking shares his reflections about the existence of good and the reason for our existence.

The Café on the Edge of the World – A story about the meaning of life

Author: John Strelecky

Price: €7.99

Why are you here? Are you afraid of dying? Do you lead a fulfilled life? These questions lead you to a spot, a small café on the edge of the world, where you can rest for a while. John Strelecky takes you on a journey with this lively and funny book. This isn’t a typical book about philosophy with tons of theory, but a nice story to make you think.

Get the book here!

For your studies: academic work

Many students feel overwhelmed the first time they have to write a seminar paper, design an empirical study or conduct a literary review. These books will make academic writing easier for you with helpful guidelines and tips.

Soziale Arbeit studieren – Leitfaden für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Studienorganisation (Writing in the Social Studies)

Author: Rudolf Bieker

Price: €35 (German)

This one is for everyone who wants to read in German. You’re studying social work and are confronted with writing seminar papers or bachelor and master theses? This book prepares you for academic work by teaching you how to find a topic, how to do a literature review and how to write your papers or theses. Furthermore, you learn how to successfully talk about your findings in an oral exam. This book also offers tips on how to organise your studies perfectly. A perfect practice-oriented book for beginners!

Get the book here!

Aaron Pribble’s “Writing in the Social Studies” (€38.60) is a practical guide and a good alternative written in English for students in social studies, e.g. social work.

Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben (Contemporary Guide to Project, Thesis and Dissertation Writing)

Author: Marcus Oehlrich

Price: €33.92 (German)

Here are scientific work and writing skills in German for you. Your professors demand a scientific paper? But you don’t even know where to start? Then start right here: This workbook shows you how to go about your scientific work and explains everything you need to know illustrated by examples. So you’ll quickly find a good way of working scientifically which will help you with your studies. And you even get checklists and wording advice. A great workbook that prepares you for scientific work.

Get the book here!

This English book “Contemporary Guide to Project, Thesis and Dissertation Writing” by Festus Chukwunwendu Akpotohwo (€51.30) will also give you a great way to get into scientific work.

Communication, society, politics, culture and personal development are topics that you should read about independent of your studies. That’s why it is essential to read textbooks that aren’t directly related to your studies.

Schlagfertig – Wie man Gespräche im Job meistert und Familienfeiern überlebt (Communication Skill Training)

Author: Michael Traindt

Price: €24 (German)

You like to read and speak in English, as well as in German? Then his could be perfect for you. Communication is key: at university, at your job, with your family – simply always. You think of the best responses hours later in the shower or in bed? Then this book is for you. With this practical book, you work on getting a quick wit. You’ll never be searching for the right thing to say and will always have the perfect response. Michael Traindt shows you that even the shiest person can become a communication expert with the right training.

Get the book here!

To practice your communication skills in English, you can also try “Communication Skill Training” by Larry Parkman (€17.00).

Riot, don’t diet! – Aufstand der widerspenstigen Körper (Made Up)

Author: Elisabeth Lechner

Price: €22 (German)

Beauty isn’t a universal evaluation criterion but a concept that has been negotiated by society; which means that it can be changed. Elisabeth Lechner’s German written book talks about breaking standards, rioting against idealised beauty standards and questioning these ideals. We’re all beautiful and with Elisabeth Lechner’s 5-Point-Plan we’ll achieve true solidarity and rebellion.

Get the book here!

There is also a good English book called “Made up” by Martha Laham (€45.70) that challenges unrealistic beauty standards.

Impressive: memoires

Reading about the life of other people can be inspiring, impressive, interesting and hilarious! Relax with these memoires and be inspired by these stories and anecdotes from these impressive people.

The Storyteller – Tales of Life and Music

Author: Dave Grohl

Price: €28.90

You don’t know who Dave Grohl is? Or you’re his biggest fan? Then his biography filled with his best stories is the perfect book for you. A life full of music with the best, funniest and most touching moments awaits you in this book. A recommendation for all rock fans!

Get the book here!

These Girls – Ein Streifzug durch die feministische Musikgeschichte (Nobody Ever Asked Me About the Girls)

Author: Juliane Streich

Price: €20.60

A German book about powerful women that not only have amazing voices, but also inspire us with their fight for women and their rights! Across all genres, this book gives a deep insight into the feminist music world. In these 140 short texts, there is everything: from classics to insider tips. Get inspired by these emotional texts.

Get the book here!

Lisa Robinson offers in this English written book a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of women in music in her book “Nobody Ever Asked Me about the Girls: Women, Music, Fame” (€17.50)

With these books, you’re perfectly equipped for your life at university. Ranging from practical tips to the foundations of scientific work to true classics, there’s everything you need for your next book shopping tour. You’re looking for a specific book that you didn’t see on this list? Then you’ll surely find it on Morawa’s website.

Enjoy reading!

PS: If you prefer to read books while sitting in a coffeehouse, you can find the best cafés in Vienna, Graz and Linz!


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