Cheap Workouts: How to save money

Written by: Hannes Wagner, Mar 03, 2022

Sport and movement are essential for a balanced study life. Expensive gym subscriptions and sports equipment makes you hesitant and you wonder how to work out for little money? Then you’ve come to the right place. Not only have we compiled tips to save money and found cheap gyms for you, but we also have tips for cheap workouts at home.

Tips for Saving Money

Despite student discounts, many gyms are still quite expensive. We’ll show you how to save money so that you can work out regularly anyways.

Corporate discounts

If you are working for a company, you can ask if there is a fitness programme. Many gyms offer some type of cooperation with companies, which entails access to the gyms at a discount for employees. If there is no such option at your work, you can propose it to your superior.


Most gyms offer try outs. So, you can check out the advantages and disadvantages of a gym and decide if that works for you. If you’re not sure, you can try different gyms and compare them.

Cheap gyms

Here is an overview of some gyms in Austria.


Subscription: €19.90 monthly (Basic) + one-time activation fees €29.90

With gyms in Vienna, Linz, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt and Villach, FitInn offers many benefits such as a separate women’s area, hydration bar, shower area, etc. With your subscription you can work out at all locations.


Subscription: €19.90 (Basic) + one-time activation fees €29 + semi-annual service fees €15

McFit has gyms in Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt and Innsbruck. There you can use their cardio area or dumbbells and sports equipment. The showers are included. With the basic subscription you can only workout at your chosen gym.


Subscription: €29.90 (Basic) + one-time activation fees €29.80

Throughout Austria, CleverFit offers many benefits like circuit, endurance and strength training, a hydration bar and personal trainers. Your subscription is limited to one gym.

Working out at home

If a gym subscription isn’t your thing, you can also use your own home as a gym. You don’t need much for bodyweight, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) or other workouts. Here are ten great exercises for at home.


What do you need for your home workouts? That depends on the type of sport you want to do. Maybe you can talk to your flatmates or family members about the equipment and share the costs. Or you get a little creative and use items you have at home as equipment. For example, a 1-litre bottle works great as a dumbbell or you replace a yoga mat with a rug. Here is a list of essentials for your home gym:

  • Fitness or yoga mat
  • Trainers (indoor or outdoor)
  • Jumping rope
  • Dumbbells or resistance bands
  • Yoga blocks


You can pimp your home workouts with different sport apps. If you don’t have a lot of time for sport, you can try the 7 minute workout app. Quick and easy workouts.

With an interval timer, you can easily make up your own workout routine. Write down the exercises you want to do beforehand or look for a set of exercises online.

Sport for minimalists

For many sports you need little equipment and no expensive subscription. How about running for example? You only need running shoes and there you go. Here we show you how to start running.

Another idea would be yoga or Pilates. Just grab your fitness mat and choose a free video. You’re ready for many amazing sessions!

But you could also do a HIIT training (High-Intensity Interval Training) or a dance workout at home. You may need a fitness mat and some exercises to include in your routine. If you need further instruction or guidance, there are countless videos on all platforms.

Working out at STUWO

Every STUWO dorm has a fitness area with sport equipment, a cardio and dumbbell area. Since the gym is in the dorm, you don’t have to waste time going there. Just grab you sports clothes and let’s go. The fitness area is included in the rent and you don’t have to spend extra money. The biggest advantage is that only residents can access the fitness area, which limits the maximum of people present.

USI – University sports institute

In the USI of the universities of Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, Klagenfurt and Salzburg you can join sport classes at a discount with your student ID. From athletics to Pilates and karate you can find anything. There are weekly courses as well as blocked sessions. Some classes are especially held for students at the USI, other times you get discounted access to offers outside of university. You can sign up for classes at the beginning of each semester. It’s best to just take a look at the offers!

Sport doesn’t have to be expensive and with these tips to save money, there is nothing stopping your new fitness routine. We wish you a lot of fun working out and here are some nutritional tips for active people, so that you can make the most of your workouts. And for smart savers, here are more tips to save money for students!


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