Erasmus program – everything you need to know about studying abroad

Written by: Christina Pichler, 25.06.2021

Would you like to spend some time abroad during your studies? Learn a new language or simply improve your language skills? Get to know new cultures, travel for a while and get out of your comfort zone? Then an Erasmus + program is just right for you!

But what is Erasmus? And what does Erasmus Plus support?

Erasmus + is the EU program for the promotion of education, youth and sports in Europe. It is the largest scholarship program in the world! The European Union has made it its goal to develop a good cooperation between the countries that promotes mobility in the educational field and offers students many opportunities to gain valuable educational experience outside of their place of study. The cultural exchange between students of all nations is also being promoted.

Who is the Erasmus program for?

Every student is given the opportunity to go abroad for 12 months during their bachelor’s degree and 12 months during the master’s degree, as well as a further 12 months during the doctoral degree, for Erasmus + stays abroad. You don’t have to do these 12 months all at once though, you can also combine a degree and an internship for example.
For an Erasmus stay you have to be a regular student at a European university. Another requirement is that your GPA (grade point average) is no worse than 3.0 and that you have already completed about 20-30 ECTS at your home university by the time of application. Depending on your country of choice, proof of language skills may also be required.

All applications are made via the Mobility Online platform of the Erasmus program.

How does the Erasmus program work and what does Erasmus pay for?

Students who are authorized to an Erasmus + program will receive a mobility grant from their university, depending on the destination country. Courses completed abroad can be counted towards the degree, but make sure to contact your university beforehand to avoid misunderstandings!

Different programs:

  • Erasmus +
    Erasmus + enables you to complete parts of your studies abroad at a university in participating countries. Study achievements abroad will be credited towards your regular studies if they correspond to your study plan!
  • Erasmus internship
    An Erasmus + internship gives you the opportunity to complete one or more funded internships in participating countries. You can also apply for an internship if you have already completed your studies (within one year of graduation)!
  • Erasmus Mundus
    Erasmus Mundus is the Erasmus master’s and doctoral program that offers you, as a master’s or doctoral student, the opportunity to receive funding for a study-specific stay abroad.

By the way, studying abroad not only looks good on your résumé, it also gives you a lot of life experience. On the one hand, you will improve your language skills. Whether English, French, Spanish or Italian, after a few months abroad you will probably (almost) be a native speaker! Your self-confidence will also improve because you will face new challenges and you will grow from it!
Those who study abroad get to know many people from different nations and therefore also make international friendships that will connect you with the world in the future.

Step-by-step – this is how you apply:

  1. Select the right partner university on the Mobility Online System
  2. Take care of your application documents
    • Motivation letter
    • Copy of study data
    • Foreign language certificate
    • Application photo
  3. Submit your application documents on time
  4. Selection process at your home university
  5. Registration at your host university
  6. Inform yourself about the residence regulations of the host country (visa, insurance, etc.)
  7. Find accommodation abroad

Erasmus funding and tips:

ESN – Erasmus Student Network

The Erasmus Student Network is a non-profit student organization that provides international students with advice and assistance. In Austria alone, around 6500 students at 15 locations are supported by them each year during their stay abroad. By the way, ESN members stay at STUWO at a reduced price!

Tuition fees

You are exempt from tuition fees during your Erasmus + stay at your home university as well as your host university! Nevertheless, please do not forget to pay the ÖH fee in due time, otherwise you will be de-registered!


If you are already receiving study grants, you can also apply for the so-called foreign grant for your stay abroad! Please note that you will have to submit a certificate of achievement to your scholarship office after your stay abroad, just like with a regular study grant receipt!

More funding options

You will find many options for financial support for your stay abroad at the Förderkompass, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research. Make sure to check out too!

If you have any further questions about an Erasmus + program, want to exchange ideas or network, we recommend dropping by at ESN. There you will find answers to all your questions! And a community that always has your back.

We at STUWO wish you an exciting and educational stay abroad!


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