1. Stress regulation
Especially towards the end of the term during exam period, stress can become overwhelming. Your body releases more cortisol and adrenaline, two stress hormones. Too much stress has negative effects on your mood, concentration and motivation. This can be an additional hardship and influence your academic performance negatively. Mindfulness training can reduce chronic stress by 25%.
2. Brain performance
The myth of multitasking has been dispelled. Scientific findings show that our brain can never perform two tasks at the same time, but rather switches quickly between tasks. This requires a lot of energy and tires your brain. If you only focus on one task, your brain works more efficiently and quicker.
3. Memory
Mindfulness training improves your memory and trains your working memory. This helps you following lectures and studying for exams. Do you have difficulties studying for an exam? Then check out more tips for quick memorisation!
4. Concentration
Mindfulness training teaches you not to get distracted by wandering thoughts. You will be able to focus on the lecture and study more effectively. Here is more information on mind wandering!
5. Regulating emotions
Do you suffer from test anxiety? Do you get anxious when you have to give a presentation? Then mindfulness can help reduce your anxiety. In mindfulness training, you learn to create some distance from your emotions and observing them from “the outside” without judging them. Here are more tips for test anxiety!
6. Interpersonal relationships
Mindfulness and the calm and relaxation that comes with it make living with your STUWO flatmates and working with your fellow students easier. You are not only calmer, but also present with other people.
7. Gut health & eating habits
Distracted and quick eating can cause numerous digestive troubles. If you turn off distractions such as your phone, TV, etc. and focus consciously on your food, then you take more time for your meals and thereby enjoy every single bite. You will also feel satiated sooner.