Psychological help and counseling for students: important contact points for advice and help

Written by: Nena Aichholzer, 16.03.2021

You don’t have to do everything by yourself! Regardless of whether you are dealing with everyday student life, financial worries or the feeling of  loneliness – there are many organisations in Austria where you can get support and solutions for many of your problems!

Everyday student life is not always easy
As a young adult after school, you are often thrown into this completely new, unfamiliar situation. You move out of home, build a new environment, enjoy the new personal freedom but suddenly have to stand on your own two feet – all by yourself. Many new problems and hurdles arise and sometimes it just feels good to have the opportunity to get the help and support you need.

You are not alone!

The majority of students struggle with mental health problems during their studies. About 50% of all students in Austria stated in a student social survey that they had already suffered from mental health issues that made their studies difficult and that they opted to get professional help.

Lack of motivation, loneliness, pessimistic mindset towards the future… There’s no need to feel ashamed! In many cases, it can already help to talk to friends or family about how you are feeling, what hurdles you are facing or what is making you anxious. If you have no one to talk to or if you just want to talk to an objective person, we have put together a few contact points that you can turn to at any given time:

1. Psychological help for austrian students

Contact: phone, email or by prior arrangement via video and chat.

The Psychological Counseling Center is a part of the Federal Ministry of Education and supports you in choosing and starting your university studies, assists you in your personal development and provides guidance for academic as well as personal challenges.

2. ÖH – Helpline
Tel. Nr. 01/585 33 33

The ÖH helpline is an initiative of the Austrian Students’ Union in cooperation with the Association for Psychotherapy. The ÖH supports you with orientation and decision-making, assistance during your studies, with student problems and solutions of all kinds and of course with coping with everyday student life.

BOKU Wien: Psychosocial Counseling::Coordination Office for Gender Equality, Diversity and Accessibility::BOKU

Universität Wien:

TU Wien:

HTU Graz:

Universität Klagenfurt:

Many universities have already set up their own psychological contact points and offer psychosocial advice centers with the help of external psychotherapists. Here you will receive good advice in case of problems, conflicts and crises during your studies but also in your private life.

4. Emergency psychological service

The Emergency Psychological Service Austria offers emergency psychological intervention and emergency psychological follow-up care for coping with extraordinary stress.

5. Crisis intervention center
01/ 406 95 95

The Crisis Intervention Center Austria offers help in acute crisis situations, such as acute family or other relationship conflicts, deaths, serious illnesses, traumatic experiences, despair and sadness, fear and panic, as well as suicidal thoughts and psychological stress.

Exam anxiety, loneliness or financial worries – there are solutions to every problem!

We hope that the advisory centers presented here can be of assistance to you, should you ever need help. We wish you all the best for your studies!

Your STUWO team.

Any questions?

We are happy to help!