Pomodoro Technique: How to maximize Time Efficiency & Increase Productivity

Written by Kerstin Lakits, Jan 25, 2024

Are you oftentimes distracted whenever you sit down to study? Your phone rings, messages pop up, Instagram and TikTok catch your attention, your flatmates interrupt you or you think of thousands of items on your to do list. Each interruption reduces your productivity, and you are chained to your desk. In this case, the Pomodoro Technique is a magic bullet that is extremely popular with students and workers. The Pomodoro Method has proven its success and is easy to apply. In this article, we will present this study technique and give you practical tips! Are you ready to be more productive than ever? Let’s go!  

Definition: What is the Pomodoro Technique? 

The Italian Francesco Cirillo developed a method in the 1980s, which is supposed to increase concentration, productivity at work or at university and make your time management more efficient. The study method was named after the kitchen timer in the form of a tomato that the inventor used to time the Pomodoro Technique. Nowadays this method is incredibly popular with students, CEOs, executives and workers since the Pomodoro Method leads to higher concentration, efficiency at the workplace and productivity.  

“The Pomodoro Technique is a method for time management which uses 25-minute time slots for work. Regular breaks of five minutes in-between work periods positively influence your mental performance and make concentration easier over several hours.”  

Executing the Pomodoro Technique: How is it Applied? 

The application of the Pomodoro Method is easy and not complicated. You only need your smartphone, a timer, a kitchen timer or an alarm clock that allows you to track your working and resting periods. Obviously you also need your work or study materials.   

The Pomodoro Technique consists of four work sessions of 25 minutes each and 5-minute breaks after each work session. After the last labour-intensive phase, you are rewarded with a half-hour break. These phases form a session that lasts a total of 2h25min. This includes 100 minutes of work and a 45-minute break.  

So you first set your timer to 25 minutes and work on one (!) task during this time. As soon as your alarm clock rings, take 5 minutes to recover. It’s best to drink some water, eat a small snack, get some fresh air or stretch. Repeat this process four times. Depending on how many different tasks you have to complete, you can choose a different task for each work cycle. However, you should only tackle one task per work cycle because you work better when you concentrate on one task. 

STUWO tip: The breaks are just as important as studying. Therefore, you should make sure that you have effective study breaks. Here are some tips on how to spend your study breaks in the best possible way 

Advantages of the Pomodoro Technique: Efficiency and Productivity in Focus  

Simple but effective. One of the reasons why the Pomodoro Technique has become so popular is its simplicity. You don’t need a lot of equipment or preparation, but can start at any time.  

The regular breaks in the Pomodoro Method ensure that you can concentrate for longer and your brain can work for long periods of time. The breaks and the fact that you only have to concentrate for 25 minutes at a time work wonders for your ability to focus and concentrate on the task at hand.  

The short learning intervals also increase your motivation and fight procrastination at the same time, as you don’t have to think about being tied to your desk for hours on end, but only having to complete the current learning unit. These many small snacks for learning or working also take away some of the mental pressure that can, in the worst case lead to exam anxiety or excessive demands. Learning thus becomes a bearable and doable activity.  

The fact that you have a plan for learning and always concentrate on a single task makes for faster and more effective learning! Another particularly practical feature is that you can tailor the Pomodoro Method to your own needs. Only have an hour to spare? Then go through the Pomodoro cycle only twice instead of four times. 

STUWO tip: Here are more tips for procrastination 

Here is an overview of the advantages of the Pomodoro Method:

  • Little equipment needed (alarm clock, timer, kitchen timer, smartphone, notebook clock…)  
  • Sustainable studying thanks to regular breaks 
  • Increased concentration by intense work intervals 
  • Individually adaptable  
  • Efficient time management  
  • Increased motivation and focus on work  
  • Quicker learning process 
  • Reduced exam anxiety and procrastination thanks to smaller study intervals 

Disadvantages of the Pomodoro Technique: Critical Considerations 

For some people, the Pomodoro Technique is not the right solution because the proposed time allocation is inflexible and does not fit in with their working day or personal study rhythm. In this case, you could try changing the sequences of the Pomodoro Method or using a different method. Sometimes the running timer creates a feeling of time pressure that stresses you out while you are studying or working.  

In the working environment in particular, the Pomodoro Technique is said to be unrealistic to use in everyday office life because it is not possible to block out half an hour or there are too many last-minute changes that disrupt the rhythm. Collaborating with colleagues or clients is a major challenge when using the Pomodoro Method.  

Another aspect that can be viewed critically is the additional work organisation that needs to take place before the Pomodoro Method can be applied. This means that tasks may have to be broken down into subtasks beforehand so that they can be completed sensibly in 25 minutes.  

Probably the most common argument against the Pomodoro Technique is that it interrupts the workflow. Some tasks simply take longer than 25 minutes and the forced break interrupts the workflow, which disrupts your concentration. What’s more, you probably know the feeling when you’re really into your work or studying. The ringing timer might destroy your workflow. 

Here is an overview of disadvantages of the Pomodoro Method:

  • Inflexible timetable  
  • Unrealistic application  
  • Additional planning  
  • Interrupted workflow 
  • Stress through timer  

Mastering the Pomodoro Technique: Tips for Successful Implementation  

The Pomodoro Method pattern is relatively simple. To make sure everything goes smoothly, here are a few additional tips.  

  • Switch off distractions: Set your mobile phone to DND and put your phone on silent so you don’t get distracted by notifications.  
  • Create a to-do list with priorities: In order to use your time as efficiently as possible, you should prioritise your tasks. You can find methods for prioritising below.  
  • Create a working atmosphere: For optimal concentration, you need the right atmosphere and the ideal workspace. Your desk should be tidy, you should ventilate regularly and organise your documents. Here are some tips for the perfect home office! 
  • Utilise work and break times: To get the most out of the Pomodoro Technique, you should concentrate fully during the 25-minute work phases and make the most of the 5-minute breaks. 

Pomodoro Timer: These Tools Assist You with the Pomodoro Technique 

Although you don’t need any special equipment for the Pomodoro Method, there are a few tools that will make the process easier for you. Websites and apps have the advantage that they are automatically set to the Pomodoro process, so you no longer have to concentrate on which phase of the Pomodoro session you are in. Some apps also conveniently have an integrated to-do list. Here are some tools that will help you: 

General Tips and Strategies for Productive Learning and Work 

The Pomodoro Method is a great strategy for your study session. Apart from that, there are some general aspects you should consider. Probably the most important point is your learning and working environment. If there are disturbing noises in the environment, you can use noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs. Fresh air is also essential to ensure your brain gets enough oxygen. Plenty of water and nutritious snacks (preferably brain food) ensure that you can concentrate for a long time. Make sure you have a clean and organised desk so that nothing distracts you. You should switch off push notifications on your mobile phone to avoid distractions. If you have a concrete plan, you can work and study much more efficiently and productively. You should therefore write a list of tasks and plan when you will complete them. This will help you keep an overview and not forget anything. 

STUWO tip: Here is a complete article on effective studying 

Structured Learning and Work: Who Benefits from the Pomodoro Technique? 

The Pomodoro Technique is particularly suitable for people who are easily overwhelmed or tend to procrastinate when confronted with hours of learning. Short tasks or projects that can be easily broken down into subtasks are very well suited to the structure of the Pomodoro Method.  

However, the Pomodoro Technique is not suitable if you are working on creative projects, as time pressure is often counterproductive here. Large projects are also not ideal for the time allocation of this method. If you are working with colleagues or clients, the Pomodoro Technique is also not necessarily the perfect solution, as you could be interrupted in your learning sessions. 

Alternatives to Pomodoro: Enhancing Efficiency with Flexible Strategies 

If you don’t like the Pomodoro Method or would like to try a different technique for a change, we have a few alternatives for you here.  

  1. The Eisenhower Principle: With the Eisenhower Principle, you prioritise your tasks according to importance and urgency. This creates four categories of tasks that help you decide which tasks you should do and when. A tasks (important and urgent) must be completed immediately. B tasks (important but not urgent) are assigned a deadline and noted down in the calendar. C tasks (not important but urgent) can be delegated to other people if possible. D tasks (not important, not urgent) should be removed from your to-do list or placed at the bottom.  
  2. ABC Method: The ABC Method is a simplified version of the Eisenhower Technique, which actually comes from business administration. With this method, you have three categories of tasks: A (important tasks that you complete immediately), B (tasks that you can complete later or delegate) and C (tasks that you can delegate or discard). When organising your time, keep the following weighting in mind: 60% of your day for A tasks, 25% for B tasks and 15% for C tasks. Don’t plan your entire working day, but leave a bit of leeway for unforeseen tasks. 
  3. 52-17 method: This method is a variation of the Pomodoro Method. According to studies, most people can concentrate for 52 minutes before they need 17 minutes of regeneration time. You follow this rhythm to study or work. This technique is particularly suitable for larger or more time-consuming tasks.  
  4. ALPEN Method: You can use the ALPEN Method to structure your study session or plan your working day. To do this, first define your tasks. What tasks do you have to do? Then estimate how long you need for each task. You should make sure that you estimate the effort realistically and write down specific times. Also plan buffer times in case something comes up or you need longer than planned for a task. Then you need to make decisions. Which tasks do you need to complete first? You can use the Eisenhower Principle or the ABC Method for this. At the end of your study session and your working day, you should carry out a follow-up check so that you know which tasks you have completed and which you can save for the next day. 

Conclusion: The Pomodoro Technique as a Recipe for Successful Time Management 

The Pomodoro Method is a great way to boost your productivity and plan your study sessions. All you need is a timer. There are other techniques you can use to prioritise your to-do list and organise your time. This will help you work through your to-do list in the best possible way and prepare you perfectly for your next exam.  

Looking for more inspiration for your study session? Find more tips for effective exam preparation here! 


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