Urban Gardening in Graz: Everything you need to know

Written by: Hannes Wagner, Mar 31, 2022

City or countryside? Do you want the best of both worlds? Then urban gardening is perfect for you. This way you can bring a piece of nature into the city. Urban gardening is not only a lot of fun but also has amazing benefits for the environment and your daily life! That’s why we will show you what urban gardening is all about and how and where you can do it in Graz!

What is urban gardening exactly?

Urban gardening is simply put creating a garden in the city. Whether it’s a mini garden with a raised bed, small pots on your balcony or even vertical gardens, you can bring a little bit of nature into the concrete jungle with urban gardening. The best about urban gardening is that there are no limits to your creativity. You plant what you want to eat, from strawberries to carrots and potatoes. Moreover, there isn’t a rigid system, meaning that you make the most of the space you have. You have a small balcony or garden? Perfect, then visit a nearby garden centre and you are ready to start your gardening adventure!

How does urban gardening work?

Good news: There are no rules. After a visit to a garden centre, you are ready to go!

You need:

  • Plant pots
  • Seeds or seedlings
  • Soil
  • Maybe fertilizer
  • Maybe a raised bed

We recommend that you grow what you want to eat. Nasturtiums, leaf lettuces, carrots, radishes, strawberries, peppers or tomatoes work especially well in your mini garden.

What impact does urban gardening have?

Even the smallest green spaces in the concrete jungle improve the microclimate and make the urban area more beautiful. Especially the climate and mother Earth will benefit from your green thumb!

By growing your own vegetables and fruit, you’ll get a better understanding of the origins of your food and you harvest regional and seasonal food. You can help make Graz more sustainable with your mini garden.

Additionally, you create a habitat for cute little bees and even Einstein knew that bees are essential for our survival.

The best places for urban gardening in Graz

If you don’t have enough space at home for some gardening, there are many places in Graz where you can express your love for nature.

1. Garden FH Joanneum

Address: Eggenberger Allee 13 (Hinterhof), 8020 Graz

Students of the programmes “Construction Design and Economics” and “Sustainable Food Management” created a natural feel-good place on the campus of FH Joanneum, perfect for gardening together. Maybe you want to chill a bit in the garden in your next break in between two lectures.

2. Urban Gardening at TU

Address: Stremayrgasse 16, 8010 Graz

The student representation at TU Graz wants to promote sustainability and ecology at the university, therefore they’ve brought urban gardening to TU. There you can relax with other students while gardening.

3. Forum Urbanes Gärtnern

Address: Steinfeldgasse 32, 8020 Graz

The Forum Urbanes Gärtnern manages and organises various gardens in Graz. There you can bring in your talent for nature. One community garden, for example, is only 5 minutes away from STUWO dormitory Student City!

4. Generationen-Mitmach-Garten

Address: Mariagrüner Straße 89, 8043 Graz

The Generationen-Mitmach-Garten is a meeting point for garden enthusiasts of all ages. There you can not only express your love for nature but also get to know other gardeners.

5. Gartenlabor

Address: Triester Straße 66, 8020 Graz

From April to October the garden in the city area of Triesterstraße is open for gardeners. You can express yourself freely in the Gartenlabor.

Urban Gardening in STUWO Smart Living Graz

Did you know that we have urban gardening at the STUWO dorm Smart Living? Residents can plant vegetables and fruit in the STUWO garden. The more gardeners, the better! This way, there is always somebody to water the plants and suggest new ideas for the community garden.

You can find more information and inspiration in our dormitory tour video!

By the way, if a gardening project is too much for you, then maybe you can start with some easy room plants!

Tips for urban gardening in Graz

  • Read more about the subject: harvest season, shadow vs sun-flooded areas, types of soil, watering….
  • Talk to other gardeners! You can learn a lot from them! Maybe they even share some insider tips with you :) You can even join a Facebook group to get in touch with other motivated gardeners!
  • Discover Graz! There are many community gardens in Graz that wait to be discovered!
  • Diversity is the magic word! Try to make your garden as colourful as possible. How about veggies, fruits and herbs?

Now you’re ready for your gardening adventure in Graz! Either you create your own little garden at home or you join a community garden in Graz. Your little heaven of nature not only provides you with fresh food but also helps the climate in the city and the environment! If you’re just looking for a place to chill in nature, we have the most beautiful gardens and parks in Graz for you!

Enjoy gardening!


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