Graduation Scholarship: Information & Application

Written by Martin Högerl, Sept 08, 2022

You have to work to support yourself during your studies, but student life is getting more stressful towards the end of your studies. Exams and your thesis demand all your attention. No need for despair, you do not have to finance your studies all by yourself because the State can support you with a graduation scholarship. In this article we tell you everything about the graduation scholarship and how you can apply.


What is a graduation scholarship?

A graduation scholarship is meant to financially support students who are close to graduation. If you have worked during your studies to earn your living, then this scholarship allows you to fully concentrate on your academic work. Thanks to this scholarship, you can quit your job and spend your time and energy on graduating.

Entitlement and requirements

All Austrians or foreigners with equal rights who study at a university and are at the end of their bachelor’s, master’s or diploma’s degrees are entitled to a graduation scholarship. Exception: PhD students cannot profit from this scholarship!

The requirements for a graduation scholarship are:

  • You have worked at least 36 months (at least part-time employment) in the last 4 years. Childcare times, civil service, military service, educational service and volunteer work are included into this amount of months.
  • You quit your job as soon as you receive the graduation scholarship.
  • You have not received student allowances in the last 4 years.
  • You are younger than 41 years.
  • You have never received a graduation scholarship.
  • You have not finished any other degree. Exception: You can apply for a graduation scholarship for your master’s degree after having achieved a bachelor’s degree.
  • If you study at a university, you only need to finish exams and your thesis that has been approved and begun amounting to 20 ECTS. If you don’t have to write a thesis, you can only have 40 ECTS left in exams.
  • In other educational institutions (e.g. University of Applied Science or Pedagogical School) you have to be in the last two semesters of your studies.

You are required to provide proof of your graduation. You have to graduate within 12 months of the last payment or you have to pay back the graduation scholarship. In cases of exceptional situations (e.g. grave illness) you can apply for an extension. If you have problems during your studies, you can get help from psychological student counselling. If you need more help and guidance, here are more counselling centres for students!

erfolgreiche Antragstellung Studienabschlusstipendium

Amount of the graduation scholarship

The amount of the graduation scholarship depends on your income the year before. The scholarship amounts to 700€ to 1,200€ per month. If you receive allowances from other institutions (e.g. unemployment allowance, education allowances, internship payments, etc.), this reduces the amount of the graduation scholarship. Financial support and additional allowances that depend on student allowances are not included in the graduation scholarship. If you have to pay tuition fees (e.g. at a University of Applied Sciences), you receive an additional 363.36€ per semester.


If you are unsure whether you are entitled to a graduation scholarship, you can make an appointment at the Austrian Study Grant Authority. The employees can competently answer your questions.

You can apply online via your phone signature or citizen card. You can also download the application form from the website and send it via post.


How does the payment work?

After determining the amount of the graduation scholarship, you’ll receive the monthly payment via direct wiring.

When do I have to pay back the graduation scholarship?

You have to pay back the graduation scholarship if you do not graduate within 12 months of the last payment. Under exceptional conditions (e.g. grave illness) you can apply for an extension.

How long do I receive the graduation scholarship?

You can receive the graduation scholarship between 6 to 18 months. You have to graduate within 12 months after the last payment.


If you cannot make ends meet towards the end of your studies because of work and university, then the graduation scholarship can help you. This scholarship replaces your income, so that you can focus on your last exams and thesis.

The amount of the graduation scholarship depends on your income of last year and is between 700€ and 1,200€. The Austrian Study Grant Authority can give you more information about the graduation scholarship. You can easily apply for a graduation scholarship via the website of the Austrian Study Grant Authority.

Here is even more information about study financing and scholarships!


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